Wednesday, June 16, 2004

nice links

So i haven't got much to say today, except that Microsoft Word is a computer program built in hell especially to torment my hard-working hours. But at least i get paid for it. And ok, i love the little chunk of otherwise useless code when special people send me beautiful letters in that format, but that's a completely different matter, and of no interest whatsoever to you. What you might instead find interesting, and i surely did, are these nice links that Drew and Mr. GmtPlusNine came up with, respectively: the first is a collection of fantastic music videos that just have to be seen, the second yet another cute design site i just can't stop ogling at. Enjoy, especially the first one.

Ok, now i can finally close those windows i've been keeping open for the past two hours.

Aaaah! Mosquitoes!!!

(um, sorry about that.)