Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Landing on Santiago

Airplane, nighttime.
Guy to my left, window seat, nice guy. Argentinian, on his way back to Mendoza.

-Oh, you can see civilization already!
-No, that's Chile.

Guy to my right, across the aisle. Chilean. Complete moron.

Him: What's that?
Outside the window, a city is clearly visible from above, its bright red and orange lights glimmering in the dark.
Me: Oh, that? It's a volcano.
Him: Cool!

Addendum: during take-off and landing, use of electronic equipment is forbidden. So no listening to tapes. Instead, excruciatingly mediocre covers of pop classics(Close To Me by The Cure, Bob Marley's Is This Love, Bowie's China Girl, etc.) are inflicted on poor defenceless travellers. The perpetrators: a band going by the name of "popchill". What to do: Go back in time, track down parents, kill them.