Sure Nuff 'N Yes I Do
It's never a bad moment to post a Beefheart video.
Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band, Cannes Beach, January 27th 1968.
Things here at WGD Central have been rather hectic lately so as you may see not much of the ol'blogging has been done due to an extended case of the dreadful lots-of-interesting-stuff-to-be-done-away-from-the-internet disease. Usually what you would see here is a year-ending post of reflections, links and whatnot interspersed with my monotonous repetition of how little these festivities matter to me in the first place. It'll probably come, but not yet. Sometime in january. Or february would be cool too.
Thing is, i have loads of stuff to update about (i can't believe i haven't mentioned certain activities of mine here yet), two or three long unfinished posts, neat pictures to share and other online incarnations to make public but i just don't have the time right now. In the meantime i suppose you can make do with the links on the sidebar and the constantly growing sitefeed. And read some webcomics, webcomics will love you back. I'll be back after the break.
What you have just read is a reassuring "don't worry, the blog is not dead nor as a matter of fact am i" post. Happy new whatever you want it to be.
(A Parte: Oh dear, december 2006 seems to have become International Dead Dictators Month. Which brings back to mind tv images of Ceausescu's execution back on christmas day, 1987. I might be getting the year wrong but i'm quite sure about the day. Last time i spent christmas in Glasgow, i think. Anyway, i just wanted to say that the rejoicing done previously for Chile and Turkmenstan's gladly departed former rulers was not extended to Iraq's, at least in this old-fashioned anarchoid* household. As a matter of fact, we're all rather pissed off about what happened. There, i said it.)
*Temporary and debatable definition of the anarchoid household my upbringing stems from: Pre-spanish civil war, Post-Jacovitti.
Posted by
2:36 am
Tags: 2006, dead dictators, kind of pointless actually, not really blogging, year-ending posts
Oh look, there goes another one.
Posted by
8:01 pm
Tags: dead dictators, history, news of the world
Me: I finally feel like i can smile again.
Her: You're relieved?
Me: No, the anaesthesia is wearing off.
Posted by
11:12 am
Tags: conversation snippets, oh the intolerable pain, slice of life
"If there is a hell, we have reason to believe that he is burning there as we speak"
-Geoffrey Robertson, Human Rights Watch, interviewed live by the BBC twenty minutes ago.
Webmaster's first reaction: "i won't believe it until i see the body"
Webmaster's second reaction: "Just another of his ploys to avoid the courtroom. Wonder what he'll think of next."
My Father's first reaction (on the phone): "Obviously a birthday present for Lucia Pinochet."
(It is also A. s birthday today, happy birthday again even if i already told you that earlier today. Thank you for this day.)
Gato's first reaction: "Purrrr."
Situation at the evaristo family habitat:
The phone rings.
My Father: "is it for you?"
Me: "You'd better take it, i'm afraid it might be the TV."
Babsi's first reaction: This link
And now this post is interrupted because my family and i are going out to the chinese restaurant, with a large weight off our heads. Thank you.
Posted by
7:35 pm
Tags: and there was much rejoicing, dead dictators, Family, Gato, history, news of the world