Friday, April 09, 2004

'morning there.

Ok, the good news first: i passed my exam. 25/30. In the first part, the written test, i had got an 18(the minimum). So i had to lift that up a little. I was planning to get a 24 in my oral, so the grand total would've been 21/30. Instead, it became 25/30. I still have to understand how this could've happened. Apparently, the teacher isn't very good at math.
Anyway, while i was the exam(i was about to write "performing my oral", but that somehow didn't sound right), i noticed my examiner paging through my written test. It had a crossed out "18" on it. Under that, a crossed out "not admitted". Under that, a rather uncertain but not crossed out "18" again. I call myself lucky.

Easter's almost up, so to celebrate the death of a hippy, i'm going off to Croatia with some people. Small seaside town called Medulin, which just sounds so much like some medicine. Hope they give free samples.
We were supposed to leave yesterday, but discovered a total absence of the buses we'd completely made up. So we're off today instead.
Cheers to all, meow to most.